Public Consultation - TGA Fees and Charges proposal 2023-24
Published responses
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The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is conducting a public consultation to provide industry and other interested stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the TGA's proposed fees and charges for the 2023-24 financial year. Specifically, we are seeking feedback on the potential impact of the proposed fees and charges prior to seeking approval from the Government for any changes.
The TGA within the Department of Health and Aged Care is responsible for regulating the supply, import, export, manufacturing, and advertising of therapeutic goods. The TGA protects the health and safety of the community by regulating therapeutic goods for safety, effectiveness and quality through administering the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. To meet these responsibilities, the TGA recovers costs from industry in accordance with Australian Government cost recovery arrangements.
Responding to the public consultation
The consultation is open from Tuesday, 21 February 2023 to Tuesday, 21 March 2023. Submissions in response to the consultation paper can be made through the link below during this time period. You can right click on the consultation paper and open a new tab to access the paper while going through the online survey.
Members of peak industry bodies that the TGA held bilateral meetings with (listed in the consultation paper) are encouraged to present their comments through the respective peak body so that the industry body can present a consolidated industry feedback to the TGA.
Any questions relating to submissions should be emailed to
Why your views matter
The TGA has a long standing practice of targeted consultation with industry bodies in relation to the proposed changes to fees and charges for the next financial year. The TGA requests the peak bodies to bring any proposals for fees and charges to the attention of their members.
The TGA also publishes a public consultation paper on fees and charges to provide an opportunity for organisations who are not members of industry bodies (that the TGA meet with), other stakeholders and the wider community to comment on the proposed fees and charges.
What happens next
Submissions in response to the public consultation will be considered as part of the decision making of fees and charges for 2023-24. The final outcome of the consultation will be published on the TGA website.
Further to the review submission by the TGA, feedback on submissions will be provided through this website. Public submissions are published in accordance with the permissions provided - see the section on Privacy and your personal information in this consultation.
- Non-government organisations
- Strategic Policy
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