Application to amend the Poisons Standard (March 2025)

Closes 8 Nov 2024


You may not have to complete every page.

Instructions throughout the form will indicate if questions are optional.

Page Response
Applicant's details (Required)
percent complete
0 of 5 questions answered
Contact person's details
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
Substance details
percent complete
0 of 11 questions answered
Purpose of application (Required)
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
Amendments to the Schedules of the Poisons Standard
percent complete
0 of 4 questions answered
Amendments to the Appendices of the Poisons Standard
percent complete
0 of 4 questions answered
Detailed claims against the requirements of the scheduling criteria
percent complete
0 of 7 questions answered
Toxicity information
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Claims against the Scheduling Policy Framework (SPF) - scheduling factors (Required)
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Related documents
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Confidentiality including personal information and declaration (Required)
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered