Application to amend the Poisons Standard (November 2025)

Closes 11 Jul 2025

Substance details

If you are seeking to propose amendments to the Poisons Standard for multiple substances, please submit a separate application for each substance.

However, if your application relates to multiple substances when combined in a single product, you may choose to submit a single application.

Leave this page blank if you are proposing amendments not directly related to a substance. For example, you wish to propose a change to the definition of a "sealed container".

1. What is the name of the substance?

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If the proposed substance does not exist in the current Poisons Standard, use its International Nonproprietary Names (INN) wherever possible.

2. What are the alternative names of the substance?

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Alternative names can include:

3. Is the substance a derivative of any currently scheduled poisons?

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A Schedule entry in the Poisons Standard includes all derivatives of the poison unless it specifically states otherwise. Once a substance is determined to be a derivative of a scheduled poison, the same scheduling requirements as the scheduled poison, including limits on access, supply and availability, will apply.

'Derivative' has a specific meaning in the Poisons Standard. Classification of a substance as a derivative of a scheduled poison relies on a balanced consideration of factors to decide if a substance has a similar nature (e.g. structurally, pharmacologically, and toxicologically) to a scheduled poison or is readily converted (either physically or chemically) to a scheduled poison. For more information, consult the Reader's Guide in the Poisons Standard.

4. What are the CAS numbers of the substance?

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CAS numbers are up to 10 digits long using the format xxxxxxx-yy-z.

You may be able to find the CAS number of a substance on the Merck Index.


5. Upload an image of the chemical structure of the substance.

To ensure we can view the chemical structure of the substance, upload an image file in one of these formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .img, .png.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB

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If you are uploading the chemical structure of multiple substances, you may either upload them in a single combined image file or a compressed zip or rar file containing multiple images.

6. What are the known uses of the substance?

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Known uses should indicate whether it is for therapeutic use, cosmetic use, agricultural use, industrial use, veterinary use, etc.

Examples of known uses can be but are not limited to:

  • detergent in industrial cleaning products
  • fragrance in cosmetics
  • for human use in lowering blood pressure 
  • lubricant in industrial machinery
  • for treatment of mite infestation in animals
7. What are the proposed uses of the substance?

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Examples of proposed uses in can be but are not limited to:  

  • colourant in hair dye
  • fertiliser for crops
  • natural contaminant in preparations of food
  • sanitisation of workplaces
8. What are the pack sizes of products marketed or supplied in Australia that contain the substance?

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Pack size is the size of the preparation in terms of the quantity contained in the container (e.g. volume in a multi-use container) and/or the number of items in the primary/unit pack (e.g. number of tablets in a bottle).

9. What are the proposed pack sizes for products that contain the substance?

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The proposed pack size is the pack size of the product that you are seeking to bring to market with the proposed amendments in the application. 

10. In what forms do products containing the substance currently appear in Australia?

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Examples of forms can be but are not limited to:

  • applicators
  • capsules
  • cleaning concentrate
  • container
  • controlled release bolus
  • drum
  • dry powder for inhalation
  • emulsifiable granule
  • immediate bulk carrier (IBC)
  • lipstick
  • lozenges
  • metred aerosols
  • modified release tablets
  • pre-filled syringes
  • sachet of granules
  • shampoo bottle
  • solution
  • tablets
  • welded plastic labyrinths


11. What are the proposed forms for products containing the substance?

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The proposed form is the form of the product that you are seeking to bring to market with the proposed amendments in the application.