Application to amend the Poisons Standard (November 2025)

Closes 11 Jul 2025

Amendments to the Schedules of the Poisons Standard

This page only applies to you if you are seeking to create or amend an entry in any of the Schedules of the Poisons Standard.

1. In what Schedules of the current Poisons Standard is the substance included?
2. What is the current text for the substance as it appears in the Schedules of the Poisons Standard?

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Copy and paste the exact wordings of all the entries in the Schedules for the substance in the current Poisons Standard

For example: 

Schedule X

SUBSTANCE Z for human therapeutic or cosmetic use, except:

(a)     in preparations for topical use containing 1 per cent or less of substance Z; or

(b)     in other preparations for internal use labelled:

(i)      with a recommended daily amount of 5 000 IU or less of substance Z; and

(ii)      where the preparation is labelled for adult use, in bold face letters not less than 1.5 mm high.

Schedule Y

SUBSTANCE Z except when included in Schedule X.


3. In what Schedules of the Poisons Standard do you propose the substance to be included?

If you do not want the substance to be listed in any of the Schedules of the Poisons Standard, do not tick any of the boxes below.

4. What text are you proposing for the substance in the Schedules and Index of the Poisons Standard?

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If, when present in a preparation as an impurity of synthesis, there is a concentration of the substance below which it should not be captured by your proposed Schedule entry, please indicate that explicitly.

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Enter the text that you want included for the substance in the Schedules and Index of the Poisons Standard and indicate the changes in a similar format to the example below:

Schedule 5 Delete Entry

SUBSTANCE Z when used for the treatment of animals.

Schedule 4 No Change

SUBSTANCE Z for human use except when included in or expressly excluded from Schedule 2 and 3.

Schedule 3 – Amend Entry

SUBSTANCE Z for human therapeutic or cosmetic use, except:

  1. in preparations for topical use containing (1) 2 per cent or less of substance Z; or
  2. in other preparations for internal use labelled:
    i. with a recommended daily amount of (5) 7 000 IU or less of substance Z; and
    ii. where the preparation is labelled for adult use, in bold face letters not less than 1.5 mm high.

Schedule 2 - New entry

SUBSTANCE Z in eye drops.


Schedule 4
Schedule 3
Schedule 2