Application to amend the Poisons Standard (November 2025)

Closes 11 Jul 2025

Purpose of application

1. What title would you like to give to this application?

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The title is a short description that should briefly convey the scope and intent of the application. It is used by departmental staff and the advisory committees on scheduling matters to distinguish your application from others.

An example of a title: 'Lead acetate -  removing from household paints'

2. What type of change to the Poisons Standard are you requesting in this application?

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Amending an existing entry in the Poisons Standard includes:

  • changing the wording of a substance entry in the Poisons Standard; or
  • moving an entry from one Schedule to another Schedule in the Poisons Standard (e.g. Schedule 4 to Schedule 3).
3. Provide an overview of your application in plain English (500 words or less).

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In your overview, only provide a summary of the substance, its key uses and the intent or purpose of your proposal.

The Scheduling Secretariat will use the information that you provide in this overview to populate the pre-meeting public notice and invitation for comment if the application is referred to the advisory committees on scheduling.

You should include relevant international regulations or restrictions relevant to the scheduling changes you are proposing.

Do not include arguments regarding your application here. The case for your scheduling application should be detailed in the claims against the Scheduling Policy Framework.

Do not include any confidential information in this section.