Public consultation on interim decisions to amend the Poisons Standard - ACMS/ACCS/Joint ACMS-ACCS JUNE INTERIM DECISIONS 2022

Closed 24 Nov 2022

Opened 21 Oct 2022

Feedback updated 3 Feb 2023

We asked

Between 21 October 2022 to 24 November 2022, we sought submissions from the public on the Delegates’ interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS #38, ACCS #34, Joint ACMS-ACCS #31 – June 2022  which were published on 21 October 2022. Respondents were given the choice to indicate their support or opposition to the proposed amendments using survey buttons, with or without a written response.

You said

A total of 9 submissions were received a breakdown of which can be found below:

Cetirizine: 4 total responses, 2 in support and 2 in opposition of the interim decision.
Budesonide: 3 total responses, 2 in support and 2 in opposition of the interim decision.
Apronal: 2 total responses, 1 in support and 1 in opposition of the interim decision.
Helional: 1 response received in opposition of the interim decision.
Hydroxypinacolone retinoate (HPR): 4 total responses, 2 in support, 1 in partial support and 1 in opposition to the interim decision.
MDMA and MDA nomenclature: 4 total responses, 2 in support and 2 in opposition of the interim decision.
Dichloromethane: 5 total responses, 3 in support and 2 in partial support of the interim decision.
Ipflufenoquin: 1 response in opposition of the interim decision

We did

The Delegates considered all submissions prior to making their final decisions on these substances. The final decisions for substances other than psilocybin and MDMA were published on 20 January 2023 . The final decisions for psilocybine and MDMA were published on 3 February 2023.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Scheduling amendments referred to expert advisory committee

Please note that there is a separate consultation for interim decisions relating to PSILOCYBINE and MDMA which can be found by clicking the link below: 

This consultation is for interim decisions made in relation to applications and delegate initiated proposals to amend the Poisons Standard, following advice sought at the June 2022 meetings of the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling (ACMS) and the Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling (ACCS).

The closing date for this consultation is close of business 24 November 2022. All submissions received by the deadline will be considered by the delegate before they make a final decision.

The interim decisions under consultation are detailed in the public notice of interim decisions of June 2022.

Substances in this consultation:

  • Cetirizine
  • Budesonide
  • Apronal (allylisopropylacetylurea)
  • Helional
  • Hydroxypinacolone retinoate
  • Renaming of MDMA and MDA (midomefetamine and tenamfetamine)
  • Dichloromethane
  • Ipflufenoquin

What happens next

All public submissions will be published on the TGA website at Public submissions on scheduling matters, unless marked confidential or indicated otherwise in the submission information (see Privacy and your Personal information).

Public submissions are an important part of the process for amending the Poison Standard, and are published on the TGA website using the consultation hub.  Submissions by the public may not reflect the views of the Department of Health and Aged Care or TGA.  Published submissions should not be taken as being endorsed by the Department or TGA.

Following consideration of public submissions received before the closing date and advice from the expert advisory committees, decisions on the proposed amendments are anticipated to be published as final decisions on the TGA website: Scheduling delegate's final decisions  at a later date.


  • HPRG (TGA) Staff


  • Policy Development