Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard (paracetamol) - ACMS, November 2022

Closed 14 Oct 2022

Opened 14 Sep 2022

Feedback updated 3 Feb 2023

We asked

Between 14 September 2022 and 14 October 2022, we sought submissions from the public on potential options to amend the Poisons Standard with respect to paracetamol, following an independent expert report on the risk intentional self-poisoning with paracetamol.  The matter was referred to the November 2022 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling. Respondents were given the choice to indicate their preferred option/s across 6 categories of access or purchasing controls.  

You said

A break-down of the votes attributed to the proposed options can be found by following the links on the Published responses page.

We did

The Delegate considered all submissions prior to making their interim decision on amendments to the scheduling of paracetamol. The interim decision was published on 3 February 2023. Following another round of public consultation final decisions for these substances will be published in April 2023.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Potential Scheduling amendments referred to expert advisory committee.

Please note that this consultation is for paracetamol only. If you wish to comment on other substances discussed at the November 2022 meetings, please see the link below:

This consultation is for possible delegate-initiated proposals to amend the Poisons Standard with regards to paracetamol. The suggested amendments and any submissions received will be considered at the November 2022 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling (ACMS).

The closing date for this consultation is close of business 14 October 2022. All submissions received by the deadline will be considered by the delegate before further action.

The proposals under consultation are detailed in the pre-meeting public notice related to paracetamol. To access this public notice, please select from the links below:

Please note that currently there are no active applications from members of the public to amend the Poisons Standard in a specific manner with respect to paracetamol. The comments sought for this consultation are for a variety of options to amend the standard, including time frames for implementation. These options and consultation submissions will be considered by the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling and then the decision-maker before they make an interim decision, which may include one or more, or no, changes to the Poisons Standard. 

What happens next

All public submissions will be published on the TGA website at Public submissions on scheduling matters, unless marked confidential or indicated otherwise in the submission information (see Privacy and your Personal information).

Public submissions are an important part of the process for consultations on options to amend the Poison Standard and are published on the TGA website using the consultation hub. Submissions by the public may not reflect the views of the Department of Health or TGA. Published submissions should not be taken as being endorsed by the Department or TGA.

Following consideration of public submissions received before the closing date and advice from the expert advisory committee/s, the delegate will decide on what further action (if any) will be taken. Any proposed amendments that may arise will be published on the TGA website and further public comment may be sought.



  • General public


  • Legislation