Published responses

All submissions to the consultation are published here, except for the submissions that contained inappropriate and abusive language, such submissions were removed from the publication however, they were included in the analysis of this activity.            

Conflict of interest declarations

The TGA has received information that the conflict of interest declarations made by some respondents to the NVP Consultation Paper might not be correct. Where issues about the correctness of the conflict of interest declarations made by respondents are brought to the attention of the TGA, the TGA will contact those respondents seeking clarification. In the interests of transparency, and to avoid inadvertently misrepresenting the interests of any parties, the TGA has published the declarations as provided by the respondents.

The TGA is also aware that some submissions made by respondents via email do not include a conflict of interest declaration. The TGA will be seeking declarations from those respondents and those declarations will be published if and when they are received.

Search responses

Category of respondent, Individual or Organisation
Type of organisation
category of individual respondents

3896 Published responses

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