Response 769219323

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About you

Which best describes your response?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked I am responding as an individual
Radio button: Ticked I am responding on behalf of an organisation / institution


What is the name of the organisation that you represent?

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia

Which best describes your organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Importer / sole trader / small business
Radio button: Unticked Industry association
Radio button: Ticked Professional peak body
Radio button: Unticked Government
Radio button: Unticked Manufacturer
Radio button: Unticked Institution (hospital, university, etc)
Radio button: Unticked Other

I am from, or represent, the following sector:

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Complementary medicines
Radio button: Unticked Over the counter medicines
Radio button: Unticked Prescription medicines
Radio button: Unticked Industrial chemicals
Radio button: Unticked Cosmetic chemicals
Radio button: Unticked Domestic chemicals
Radio button: Unticked Agriculture (including primary producers)
Radio button: Unticked Veterinary medicines
Radio button: Unticked Medical or in vitro devices
Radio button: Unticked Blood, tissues, biological
Radio button: Ticked Other

Your response - Part A

Do you support the proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard?

Item 1.1 - amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid No comment Radio button: Not checked No comment Item 1.1 - amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid Fully support Radio button: Not checked Fully support Item 1.1 - amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid Partially support Radio button: Not checked Partially support Item 1.1 - amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid Oppose Radio button: Checked Oppose
Item 1.2 - bufexamac No comment Radio button: Checked No comment Item 1.2 - bufexamac Fully support Radio button: Not checked Fully support Item 1.2 - bufexamac Partially support Radio button: Not checked Partially support Item 1.2 - bufexamac Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose
Item 1.3 - ibuprofen No comment Radio button: Not checked No comment Item 1.3 - ibuprofen Fully support Radio button: Not checked Fully support Item 1.3 - ibuprofen Partially support Radio button: Not checked Partially support Item 1.3 - ibuprofen Oppose Radio button: Checked Oppose