Response 768905743

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Peter Baulch

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Which best describes you?

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Radio button: Ticked Consumer / patient
Radio button: Unticked Registered healthcare professional
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Radio button: Unticked None of the above / I am responding out of personal interest

Option 1 - Requirement for blister packs

Option 1 - Availability of blister packs

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Radio button: Ticked No comment

Option 2 - Maximum pack sizes

Option 2 - Pack sizes (select all that apply)

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Checkbox: Unticked Option 2B
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Checkbox: Ticked No comment

Option 3 - Purchase limits

Option 3 - Purchase limits

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Written response:
This is a better option for reducing household stockpiles than reducing pack sizes.

Option 4 - Sale from behind the counter

Option 4 - Sale from behind the counter

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Radio button: Ticked Do not support
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Radio button: Unticked No comment
Written response:
If supermarkets' profit margin on these products is less than that of (say) tobacco products they may find it uneconomic to carry them at all.

Option 5 - Age restrictions

Option 5 - Age restrictions

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Radio button: Unticked Option 5B
Radio button: Ticked None of the above
Radio button: Unticked No comment
Written response:
In Queensland, where liquor is not available for sale at supermarkets, policing an age limit on paracetamol products would be a strong disincentive to stocking them. High school education on paracetamol abuse may be more effective.

Option 6 - Modified release paracetamol

Option 6 - Modified release paracetamol

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Radio button: Unticked Support
Radio button: Unticked Partially Support
Radio button: Ticked Do not support
Radio button: Unticked No comment
Written response:
The prescription medications that I take are for chronic conditions. I take them daily and prescriptions for them are appropriately renewed and dispensed on a regular cycle.
Modified release paracetamol effectively treats the back pain that I frequently, but not constantly, experience. I keep a supply on hand for when I need it and would not want to have obtain a prescription at short notice.
The current pack size for Redacted text and equivalents is appropriate for consumers who experience recurring or chronic back pain. The unit price per tablet would necessarily be higher if the pack size was reduced.