Response 929981572

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Option 1 - Requirement for blister packs

Option 1 - Availability of blister packs

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Option 2 - Maximum pack sizes

Option 2 - Pack sizes (select all that apply)

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Written response:
Some people legitimately require several doses of paracetamol on a daily basis. Therefore an opinion on this option would depend on how many packs could be purchased/obtained at the same time. It would disadvantage some (eg elderly with mobility problems) people if it required additional visits to shops etc. in addition there would likely be additional costs as smaller packs are generally more expensive.

Option 3 - Purchase limits

Option 3 - Purchase limits

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Written response:
See previous answer.
Pack size and number would need to be considered together.

Option 4 - Sale from behind the counter

Option 4 - Sale from behind the counter

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Option 5 - Age restrictions

Option 5 - Age restrictions

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Written response:
There will be circumstances when paracetamol is required in this age group. Perhaps for this age group limited packet size and number would be appropriate. Also all such sales should require pharmacist approval

Option 6 - Modified release paracetamol

Option 6 - Modified release paracetamol

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Written response:
Many chronic pain sufferers require this on a permanent basis. This change will possibly require essentially unnecessary medical appointments for such patients (time/convenience/cost issues)
I do think it’s reasonable for there to be a more formal assessment of need before these are made available. For example, pharmacists could be required to collect information on the condition requiring this formulation and details of local doctor.
An initial prescription could be required to establish appropriateness.
Local doctor could be informed of supply.