Response 985860348

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Alexandra Danielsen

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Which best describes you?

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Radio button: Ticked Consumer / patient
Radio button: Unticked Registered healthcare professional
Radio button: Unticked Professional researcher
Radio button: Unticked None of the above / I am responding out of personal interest

Option 1 - Requirement for blister packs

Option 1 - Availability of blister packs

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Radio button: Ticked Option 1B
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Radio button: Unticked Option 1D
Radio button: Unticked None of the above
Radio button: Unticked No comment

Option 2 - Maximum pack sizes

Option 2 - Pack sizes (select all that apply)

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Checkbox: Ticked None of the above
Checkbox: Unticked No comment
Written response:
I’m on a disability pension and like many Australians really struggling financially. If a change is made to pack sizes and how I can purchase these tablets it will have a significant impact on myself. I currently buy a pack of 100 tablets for $2.95 from my chemist. I am 51 and have pain issues requiring use of paracetamol on a near daily basis. This allows me to treat my pain in a way not requiring strong painkillers. As an addict in recovery it’s an important consideration for me. When Redacted text went to prescription only that affected me. As someone who has overdosed on paracetamol I understand the concern however there’s a wider reaching impact here and one I hope you carefully consider. Smaller packs can cost more money and I would use a pack every 4-5 days. I may have to go without if the amount is limited.

Option 3 - Purchase limits

Option 3 - Purchase limits

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Radio button: Unticked Option 3A
Radio button: Unticked Option 3B
Radio button: Unticked None of the above
Radio button: Ticked No comment

Option 4 - Sale from behind the counter

Option 4 - Sale from behind the counter

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Radio button: Unticked Support
Radio button: Ticked Do not support
Radio button: Unticked Partially support
Radio button: Unticked No comment

Option 5 - Age restrictions

Option 5 - Age restrictions

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Radio button: Unticked Option 5A
Radio button: Unticked Option 5B
Radio button: Ticked None of the above
Radio button: Unticked No comment
Written response:
I’m thinking of those families that may need younger children age 16/17 that require those children to buy their medication if they can’t get there themselves. Could be impacting lower income families with medical issues.

Option 6 - Modified release paracetamol

Option 6 - Modified release paracetamol

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Support
Radio button: Unticked Partially Support
Radio button: Ticked Do not support
Radio button: Unticked No comment
Written response:
Why do we need to do this?