Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS & Joint ACMS-ACCS, JUNE 2023

Closed 17 May 2023

Opened 18 Apr 2023

Feedback updated 5 Oct 2023

We asked

From 18 April 2023 to 17 May 2023, we sought submissions from the public on scheduling proposals referred to the June 2023 meetings of the Advisory Committees on Medicines Scheduling and Joint Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Medicines and Chemicals Scheduling. Respondents were given the choice to indicate their support or opposition to the proposed amendments using survey buttons, with or without a written response.

You said

We received a total of 47 submissions in response to the pre-meeting public notice for June 2023. The breakdown of the responses is provided below:

BISACODYL: A total of 9 submissions were received for bisacodyl, 6 in full support and 3 in opposition of the proposal. Of these submissions, 4 provided a written response which were all in support of the proposal.

OLOPATADINE: A total of 8 submissions were received for olopatadine, 3 in full support, 3 in partial support and 2 in opposition of the proposal. Of these submissions, 3 provided a written response 2 in partial support and 1 in opposition of the proposal.

LEAD: A total of 17 responses were received for lead, 14 in full support and 3 in opposition of the proposal. Of these submissions, 9 provided a written response, 8 in full support and 1 in opposition of the proposal.

IBOTENIC ACID: A total of 8 responses were received for azelaic acid, 3 in full support, 2 in partial support and 3 in opposition of the proposal. Of these submissions, 3 provided a written response, 1 in partial support and 2 in opposition of the proposal.

AMYGDALIN AND HYDROCYANIC ACID: A total of 36 responses were received for amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid, 22 in full support, 4 in partial support and 10 in opposition of the proposal. Of these submissions, 21 provided a written response, 12 in full support, 4 in partial support and 5 in opposition of the proposal.

We did

The Delegates considered all submissions prior to making an interim decision on these proposals. The interim decisions on the proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard were published on 5 October 2023.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard referred to advisory committees

We are consulting on applications and delegate-initiated proposals to amend the Poisons Standard. The proposed amendments and any submissions received will be considered at the June 2023 meetings of the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling (ACMS) and the ACMS and Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling (ACCS) in joint session (Joint ACMS-ACCS).

The closing date for this consultation is close of business 17 MAY 2023. All submissions received by the deadline will be considered by the delegate before they make an interim decision.

The proposals under consultation are detailed in the public notice of June 2023. 

Substances for which public comment is sought:


SUBSTANCE 2a: LEAD (in anti-fouling paints)

What happens next

All public submissions will be published on the TGA website at Public submissions on scheduling matters, unless marked confidential or indicated otherwise in the submission information (see Privacy and your Personal information).

Public submissions are an important part of the process for amending the Poison Standard, and are published on the TGA website using the consultation hub.  Submissions by the public may not reflect the views of the Department of Health and Aged Care or TGA.  Published submissions should not be taken as being endorsed by the Department or TGA.

Following consideration of public submissions received before the closing date and advice from the expert advisory committee/s, decisions on the proposed amendments are anticipated to be published as interim decisions on the TGA website: Scheduling delegate's interim decisions & invitations for further comment in September 2023.


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
  • Seniors
  • Men
  • Women
  • Carers and guardians
  • Families
  • Parents
  • Young people
  • Academics
  • Non-government organisations
  • State government agencies
  • Commonwealth agencies
  • Local governments
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • General public
  • Community groups
  • Businesses
  • Contracted Service Providers
  • Aged care service providers
  • Aged care workforce
  • Aged care professionals
  • BPRU staff
  • Graduates
  • Online and Publications staff
  • Secretariat
  • PCCD
  • Health staff
  • HPRG (TGA) Staff
  • Prescription medicines
  • Complementary medicines
  • Over-the-counter medicines
  • Medical Devices & IVDs
  • Biologicals
  • Other


  • Policy Development