Response 308290171

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Part 1: Proposed scope of TGO 110

4. Do you think that export only vaporiser nicotine should be required to comply with TGO 110?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

5. Why/Why not?

Please give your reasons
Need only comply with the requirements of the country to which it is to be exported.

6. Do you think clinical trial products should be required to comply with TGO 110?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

7. Why/Why not?

Please give your reasons
This would severely limit the ability to widely assess clinical trials.

8. Do you think products that are the subject of an FDA PMTA marketing order, or that are supplied in the UK, EU, Canada, NZ and/or another country in accordance with the relevant requirements of that country, should be deemed to comply with TGO 110 (in whole or in part)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

9. Why/Why not?

Please give your reasons
These countries have approved track record of producing quality nicotine products.

10. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

How does this impact you?
No, I import my own product.

11. Do you have any other comments about the products covered by or excluded from draft TGO 110?

Do you have any other comments?

Part 2: Labelling – Ingredient Lists

12. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?

13. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?

Part 2: Labelling – Nicotine Concentration

14. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 2. This is how it is currently presented in the juice that I import.

15. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?
Probably not

Part 2: Labelling – Warning Statements

16. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 2. Simple and effective enough for the purposes stated.

17. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?
No. I'm already aware of the risks.

Part 2: Ingredients – Prohibiting Certain Ingredients

18. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
option 1. Should cover any health risks.

19. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?
No. Already required of the juice that I import

Part 2: Ingredients - Flavours

20. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 3. limiting flavours to tobacco, menthol and mint legitimises the tobacco industry.

21. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?
Yes. I import a fruit flavoured juice and have no intention of going back to anything that reminds me of tobacco.

Part 2: Packaging – Child-Resistant Packaging

22. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 2. The juice I import has effective child prevention

23. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?

Part 2: Packaging –Tamper-proof/evident Packaging

24. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 2. Limit the cost of supplying the product.

25. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?

Part 2: Nicotine concentration

26. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 1. High concentrations may be harmful.

27. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?
No. I import low concentration of nicotine juice.

Part 2: Volume

28. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 3. juice is expensive to import from a postage point of view. Being allowed to import larger quantities reduces postage costs.

29. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?

Part 2: Other Questions/ Comments

30. Are there any other potential minimum requirements for unapproved vaporiser nicotine products the TGA should consider including in TGO 110?

Other minimum requirements TGA should consider
Not that I can think of

31. Would you like to be consulted on any draft guidance prepared for TGO 110?

Would you like to be consulted on any draft guidance prepared for TGO 110?

Part 3: Related Matters

32. Which option (whether listed above or not) do you prefer? Why?

Which option do you prefer and why?
Option 2. Reduce the cost and unnecessary red tape.

33. Would any of these options, particularly the TGA’s proposed option, have an impact on you? How?

Would any of these options impact you and how?

Part 3: Compounding

34. Do you have any comments on the application of TGO 110 to compounded vaporiser nicotine products?

Comments on the applcation of TGO 110
No, I don't understand implications one way or the other.

Consent to publish

35. Do you consent to your answers being published

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No